Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 6: Understanding Heart Rate

Why do I need to understand Heart Rate? Well, it is dangerous to overdo exercises. One should exercise within maximum heart rate. So, I invested on a Polar Heart Rate F11 with Wear Link. This will help me monitor my heart rate.

Computing the Maximum Heart Rate

The Formula is 220 - [Age] = Maximum Heart Rate

So, in my case I am now 36 years old. To compute my maximum heart rate that is 220 - 36 = 184 bpm (beats per minute).

The Heart Rate Zone

Most people agree that a heart rate of 60-70% of maximum heart rate is the best when one is aiming to burn fat. At this zone more calories are burned from fat during the exercise.

However, a higher heart rate burns more calories in a shorter period of time, and provide a metabolism boost (after burn) - however fewer calories are burned from fat during the activity.

Here's a link to a useful heart rate calculator.

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