Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2: No Chocolates

(Photo Credits: hmmm.)
Next on my list, I need to give up chocolates. This is the main culprit why I grew so big! Back in 1999, my weight was just between 140lbs to 150lbs.  But around that time, I was feeling so depressed because my financial situation was a mess. Lot of bad things happen around that time. And, I found myself craving for chocolates every time I am feeling so down. Now, this really has to stop I must forego of my chocolate cravings if I really want to lose that pounds!

Actually, chocolates is not that bad it has some good health benefit. Example of good chocolates are the "dark chocolates. But, most chocolates that I consume are the ones that is high-fat and high-calories. And, eating too much of these high-fat and high-calories chocolate is what makes me fat.

My daily intake normally includes eat one Kit Kat or Nestle Crunch a day. I usually crave for chocolates in the afternoon. So far, since day 1 no soft drinks and chocolate for me.

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